Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Welcome to the Romans in Year 4.

The children are settling well into their new classes in Year 4 and have begun to get used to our routines and expectations.
They have thoroughly enjoyed making helmets and shields last week, as part of our topic 'I Am Warrior' about the Romans in Britain.
On Monday morning, they got a chance to try these out, when Mr Warhurst offered to put them through their paces as battalions of soldiers. They learned about how to form Testudo and to launch Pilum. Great fun was had by all!

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Fit2Go Festival

Year 4 children had a fantastic afternoon at Blackpool Football Club today, for the Fit2Go festival.
The children played 'Doctor' Dodgeball, Handball, Football, and danced.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Tussaud's treat day!

The children had a fantastic time at Madame Tussaud's waxworks yesterday, as their reward for achieving the house point target. We took a picnic lunch and tried out lots of posing, as well as the new interactive games there.

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Mothers Day Gifts.

The children worked hard to make Mothers Day gifts.
Thank you so much to all the parents who came along on Thursday afternoon to find out what the children have been doing.

4T reactivated their lava lamps so that the parents could see them in action.

4P repeated the balloon inflation investigation.

Parents were able to take home some hand made bath bombs (all children took some home for mums who weren't able to visit). The children loved making these, and again, were fascinated by the chemical reactions. We are sure they will be able to tell you all about it!

They worked hard to design and produce hand made, filled chocolates and the boxes to present them in. We hope you have enjoyed them.


More potions!

The children have loved finding out more about chemical reactions as part of our potions topic.

When the bicarbonate of soda in the balloon, mixed with the vinegar in the bottle, a gas was produced which inflated the balloons!

They also understood that the oil, colouring and water in their lava lamps separated because of their different viscosities. When we added effervescent vitamin C tablets, the magic began.

Friday, 15 March 2019


The children received a mysterious note today.

They then discovered that they had made a strange substance, which sometimes behaved like a liquid, yet sometimes behaved like a solid! It is called Oobleck.

Hopefully you can see that when they applied pressure, they could make it into a solid ball, which they could hold, but as soon as they eased off the pressure, it became a liquid again and ran through their fingers!

A great time was had by all, including Mrs Ellis, who was absolutely covered in cornflour and Oobleck!

Thursday, 14 March 2019

More Bubble Trouble from 4T!

4T's turn to investigate bubbles today.

A great time was had by all, trying to form the biggest bubble or multiple joined chains of bubbles.

We tried very hard to make a huge bubble and could get the skin, but couldn't get much beyond stretching it a little.